Does it have to be Marvel vs DC? YES!

If you take a look at the little 'about me' widget located on the sidebar of this blog, you will read me announcing that I am a DC fan, so does it automatically mean I absolutely hate Marvel and anything Marvel related, HELL NO!
I absolutely love Spiderman, X-Men, Captain America, Fantastic Four, Deadpool to name a few Marvel characters. I use to watch almost all of their movies till about the Avengers came out, then I started skipping almost all of the MCU movies until Homecoming came out, cuz gots to watch Spidey! In between I also saw all  the X-Men movies including Deadpool. I am talking about going to the Movie theater at this point as I have seen almost all of the MCU movies at some point or the other with the exception of Thor 2 and Dr. Strange.
So what gives why can't we all just take the high road and love all the great characters, stop being fanboys, stop trolling or debating on the Internet and just enjoying the great age of comic book movies in peace. Well I can't say about why most people choose DC or Marvel but I can tell you why I decided to give Marvel the finger and sided with Batman...ahem DC!
To get you to the end let me start at the beginning, when I was like 7, I got some free Gotham Comics (I don't remember how I got them for free). They were Justice League comics, yeah I got introduced to the whole league at once instead of just one hero, and I have absolutely no idea now when I think about it what the story was about, I just remember the art and characters that I adore and still love. Soon after that I started watching Batman: TAS & Superman: TAS, they were and still are pretty awesome. That gives you an idea how everything for me started with DC comics & just continued with Justice League (Unlimited), Batman Beyond, Live-action Superman & Batman movies, along the way I also found out X-men Evolution Series, X-men Movies, Spiderman trilogy, etc. and I also loved them.
Everything was awesome, what changed? well what changed was that first there was no competition, no one was making comparisons about DC vs Marvel, internet was not just filled with people hating on your favorite characters and causing the divide that I now see, I was just a kid enjoying all the heroes on my TV.
Now when the MCU was beginning I was thrilled to see all the great movies it was putting out, at the same time DC was giving us turds like Jonah Hex, Catwoman, & Green Lantern, but no matter I still enjoyed The Hulk, Iron man, Captain America, etc. What than changed was suddenly people commenting how Ironman was better than Batman! I mean come on guys RDjr is Ironman, but Batman is not one person he is an Icon that has stood the test of time for over 75 years, he is a beyond almost every character, he is GOAT, so when people come at you and challenge what you have been loving since you were kid, you gotta pick your side & fight off the haters. I know for some people MCU is the entry point into the world of superheroes & they will feel the same way for MCU that I feel for DC, I can't & don't want to change that but when they get ahead of themselves and say stuff like Hulk can beat Superman, or Thor can take on WW, I have to defend what I truly love and that is DC!
Now leaving DC on the side for a while & that was all about defending the home turf, what has now turned the MCU sour for me is the treatment of X-Men, & the Fantastic Four, I mean I get that Disney doesn't own the Movie rights to these characters, but that does not make it right for them to stop making Fantastic Four comics, or leaving all the X-Men out from the recently released MvC Infinite. That just goes to show how much they don't care about the fans who have been following these awesome characters for decades and that you don't find them profitable enough or that it might help your rivals a bit you decide to just retire them! That is just not playing fair in my books. Warner Bros. is still making Lego Marvel games, why can't Wolverine be present in MvC Infinite is just beyond me. When you look back and realize that at the beginning X-Men vs Street Fighter was made in 1996, & now after two decades all the X-Men have been replaced by new 'more' Marvel characters in the game and across all other mediums wherever possible by Disney.
That for me just made DC vs MCU debate a whole lot simpler, when a company can decide to just not care about the characters that I have known for over a decade, while the other one is home to all the characters  have loved since forever, there is only one winner for me: DC!

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  1. DC has stood the test of time and will continue to do so. Someone not familiar with the cinematic universe rights should surely give your piece a read.


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