Justice League Movie Review: Joy Ride (Spolier free)

Now for a spoiler free review: Justice League is a fun movie that does all of it's members Justice. While the Superman's mustache CGI looks ugly, you can get over it. Movie doesn't have any mind blowing plot twist or heavy character moments in general but it is a fast paced ride filled with joy and hope unlike BvS. There are quite a few funny moments and action is on point. Whenever I get out of a movie without ever being bothered to look at my phone once, it generally counts as a win for me.
Here Batman is the badass we know and love, Wonder Woman is as graceful and charming as she has been in her previous two appearances in the DCEU, out of the new entrants I expected Jason Mamoa's Aquaman to shine the brightest but Erza Miller's Flash is the breakout star for me. He was super funny but due to the ever so present slo-mo action that has been a staple in DCEU, Superman is the one that gets the best slow motion moment rather than the Scarlet Speedster.
Talking of Superman here he is not the whinny brooding guy from the BvS, he is the Symbol of Hope just like his family crest. While Cyborg is the weakest member of the league not in terms of power but in terms of standing out and being awesome as he is overshadowed by the badass Aquaman and The Flash.
So if you ask me I would definitely recommend you to go and watch the movie. The movie is flawed but still nothing major to spoil the great time it provides. There is nothing groundbreaking in the movie and after BvS that was guilty of trying too much and failing seems like WB decided to not to risk anything and address the issues like being too slow, boring, & long, which they have managed to do successfully.
I often wonder if Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy is the reason that the DC comics get a lot of stick from the critics. They were so brilliant at not just being great comic book movies but in being cinematic masterpieces in general.
So whenever it comes to DC comics' movies critics measure them against those three movies.
DC movies like Suicide Squad and Justice League can't get away with just being fun movies like Gaurdians of  Galaxy V2 or Thor: Ragonrock. They need to be more. While Justice League is just an awesome team up that excels at being a team up that everyone wanted but perhaps not the one that we deserved. Ignore the critics and check out Justice League, it is a Joy Ride but nothing more.

To the critics.
