Opinion: How to make shit hit the fan?

I don't know much about politics, current events, economy, or most of the stuff happening around me in general. I don't know who is the president of India at the moment but I know who is the president of DC Comics: Diane Nelson, Real Madrid: Florentino Perez,Warner Brothers: Kevin Tsujihara, Sony: Kazuo Hirai, etc. That is because I don't care much for the politicians, economy, & most of the stuff happening around me, but I do like to know about the people making the things that I enjoy happen.
Last night maybe the only friend that I have who genuinely cares about what is happening with people around us, & the country in general asked me this question: 
"How can he get his voice heard? How can he reach a wide audience?"
The thing is that he is not the most popular guy, he doesn't have a reach on the social media, he is not a very good looking guy, he is not even a funny guy, so what is he? he is just a normal guy like me. So the problem is that how do guys like us get whatever we are thinking out there. How do we inspire the masses, because I know for a fact that no one is reading this blog. Even my best of friends can't read more than four lines of not just what I have written but in general. Such has become the life these days that you know, most of the times we are just reading captions, watching meaningless videos, & just sitting with our phones in our hands consuming garbage. People can't even read a long post on Facebook let alone a blog post.
Now that the phones are becoming smart & we are becoming dull. They know who watches what so after we have watched one piece of shit they will quickly recommend the next piece of shit that we got to watch & we watch it, & after watching it we watch some more shit. Well I am getting side tracked by writing about this shit that we watch that I am not writing about the shit that I wanted to write about.
How do we get our voices heard. Now the problem with this is that their seem to be only two-three ways of doing this. The first one is through Social media, but as I said before that is not happening, second one is become a community leader or politician: again highly unlikely & not interested. Last one that used to be most about being the voice of people & reaching the masses is Journalism, media, news! 
Batman knows best.
I told him that if Journalism is the way to reach people, you know the news. Later while watching TV I realized what a stupid suggestion that was. I mean news these days is a joke! On news channels you will find two hour specials on Big Boss, Saas bahu & sadish, Sports, viral videos, comedy specials, and when they have to tell you about some stuff that has been going on it will be either the misadventures of Mamma's boy Rahul Gandhi, or cows.
It is not even news channels fault as people are more interested in what Hrithik said about Kangna rather than why our country was slowly bled out by demonetization, they care more about hurting each other’s religion than  why GST has been imposed on us at such brutal rates that it has made price of medicines go up & luxury cars go down, they care more about dead cows than dead people.
No one is asking how many died due to demonetization, why petrol & diesel prices keep on rising, why gas prices have doubled, why metro fares have been doubled. This is not the priority of our "journalist" these days. Their priorities either lie with just getting TRP or if you think a bit think about it with crazy conspiracy glasses their priorities lie with keeping people in line by feeding them mindless fodder or propaganda.
So don't come around here trying to make your voices heard as it will fall on deaf ears if you are lucky as if someone actually heard it you will be branded anti-nationalist traitor.
So keep your heads down & keep scrolling down the wall of mindless shit on your phone, or if TV is your thing than they might be showing the next asshole appearing on the next shit show, don't miss it! Or you can simply tune shit out like me by getting lost in make-believe TV & Video Game universes.


  1. Well, this is what happens when a common man gets frustrated with the dog turd they show in the name of news and entertainment. Best part was you never went out of line to make your point.
    Keep writing, atleast some of us still have our sanity intact.

  2. Straight from the heart and oh! So honest. Still very relevant after two years thanks to a nation of a billion gullible people.


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