Batman: No Kill Rule.

Batman operates with a code, a code that does not in any circumstance justify killing. His decision not to be the executioner that many desire he become has now often lead to super-villains like Bane and the Joker to break out of prison and indulge in mass murdering people. After witnessing Joker setting off a nuke in the 'Injustice' storyline, killing Jason Todd in a 'Death in the family', & crippling Barbara Gordon in 'A Killing Joke', I too have questioned Batman's ways and if his 'No Killing Rule' makes any sense at all.
The simple truth is that this self imposed limitation that he would not, despite self-admittedly wanting to, kill anyone is what makes his character that more hero & standout as a pinnacle of Justice. Even when it would be personally gratifying to him, he does not cross that line. That makes him more of a superhero than others. This only shows that he has not been corrupted by the power that he has, it is too easy for people who have power to indulge even in murder. Even if someone is a murderer or rapist, let alone an accused criminal of any kind, no one should be made judge, jury, and executioner.
The fact is that he delivers the criminals to the police, & the judicial system, It is the system in place that fails him and the citizens of Gotham by failing to bring the criminals to Justice, and not batman for not killing them. If he decides to start killing criminals than he becomes corrupted by his powers, his anonymity, & his own desire for revenge & vengeance.
Mankind has always shown itself to be incapable of handling power that has no accountability. If someone has the power to do something morally grey, that benefits them and they know that they  will one hundred percent get away with it then they will more often then not indulge in it. Throughout history there have been people who when given the power to do what they think is right have misused it be it in the name of justice, religion, or righteousness. Be it Hitler, Bush, Caesar, or present day corrupt leaders (no name calling) when in possession of power did indulge in using it to serve their own beliefs even if they were incriminating or at the expense of another country, race, or religion.
That is why even despite having the power to kill, the motive to kill, the justification to kill, & knowing his identity is a secret, not choosing to kill  sets Batman apart from the others. This self imposed limitation is what makes Batman stand out as an incorruptible figure & pinnacle of Justice.
